Sanchez Library Project

Sanchez Library is currently open just 3 days a week, limiting access to services and materials.

The project envisions creating an “Open Access” Library Model.

We are seeking to convert and renovate Sanchez Library so residents can access library materials and technology at all hours, even when staff are not present.

Sanchez map

Additional renovations to the building will create larger, accessible community spaces that can be programmed for events and departments outside of regular library services.

Library Outpost

The San Mateo County Libraries unveiled its first Library Outpost at Pacifica’s Sanchez Library, with access to a self-serve kiosk and outdoor seating and Wi-Fi. Residents can now access books and materials 24/7.

While the Outpost is separate from the Library Modernization Project, it is a first step toward making Pacifica’s libraries more modern and accessible while better utilizing the city’s resources.