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Better Libraries for Pacifica

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Better Libraries for Pacifica

Pacifica is seeking to transform the Sharp Park and Sanchez libraries into 21st century community centers and learning spaces for all Pacificans, including our children, families, and seniors.

We have embarked upon a modernization project that envisions a new, full-service Sharp Park Library with 7-day availability, and transforms the Sanchez branch into an “Open Access” library allowing 24/7 access to a browsing collection and increased space for programming.

Why does Pacifica need to modernize its libraries?

Pacifica’s libraries are the oldest and smallest in the entire San Mateo County library system – and Pacifica deserves better.

Square-Feet of Library Space Per Person

Pacifica versus Neighboring Communities

Square foot per person chart

Recently renovated San Mateo County Libraries have an immediate impact on the community

Atherton LIBRARY

Built in 2022


increase in visitor count

when comparing FY 23-24
to FY 17-18


increase in item circulation

when comparing FY 23-24
to FY 17-18

Atherton Library
Brisbane Library

Brisbane LIBRARY

Built in 2021


increase in visitor count

when comparing FY 23-24
to FY 17-18


increase in item circulation

when comparing FY 23-24
to FY 17-18


library visits
checkouts of books, magazines, CDs, and DVDs
checkouts of laptops and hotspots
eBook checkouts (across the entire San Mateo Library system)

“Perhaps no place in any community is so totally democratic as the town library. The only entrance requirement is interest.”

Lady Bird Johnson